Sunday, August 11, 2019

Why Art in Education? Lots of reasons

13 Reasons:  Why Art in Education?

1.  Art expresses human creative skill
2.  Art inspires contemplation
3.  Art is representational of historical time periods
4.  Art is often social commentary
5.  Art is the physical application of imagination
6.  Art can reach the "unreachable"
7.  Art is storytelling
8.  Art has meaning even when it's not intended
9.  Art pushes boundaries
10. Art is always communication
11. Art connects us to each other
12. Art summons emotional power
13. Art frees logic up to questioning

Let’s face it.  Art mirrors life.  If we are in the business of educating children, then we must be in the business of teaching a little something about life and art.  Otherwise, we have lost our way. May I ask, “When did it all become reading, writing and math? When did education’s goal become high test scores and where your school ranks in the API index?”  Honestly, over the last few decades when art slowly but surely became less a priority in public education’s curriculum, that’s when.  

In general, school just isn’t that fun, engaging and interesting anymore.  I recently asked a group of scholarly girls if they liked school. Only one in five said yes.  The others said no flatly, decidedly. These were girls who received mostly A grades. I know because I asked.  I’d also seen them studying at the business center where I live a lot. So I knew they were serious about school and their grades.  How sad they weren’t enjoying school except for the “social scene” as one girl put it and as another put it, “School is so boring! I’m on my phone all day.” I then asked them if they thought art, music and dance would make school more fun and interesting.  The answer was a resounding YES from all five. One said, “that would be really cool.” Why aren’t we giving kids what they want in terms of art at school?

When I was a kid, I had art in all its forms on a daily basis in public school.  I also received a better education than my own children have and probably more so than those scholarly girls are having.  Shouldn’t something be done about this? Creating more successful educational experiences for students at public school, in terms of fostering in students a motivation to enjoy learning, could be set into motion by bringing back ART:  music, dance, singing, creative writing, painting, drawing, sculpting, dramatic performance, poetry, architecture, film, etc. Art turns on the brain in ways standard test score driven curriculum will never be able to do. Art gets the creative juices of the brain flowing. In turn, a creative active brain is capable of learning and retaining more than one less inspired or activated.

There is plenty of hard evidence supporting the positive influence art has on brain development.  In an article written by David A. Sousa for the American Association of School Administrators, entitled “How the Arts Develop the Young Brain,” Sousa writes:

Neuroscience research is revealing the impressive impact of arts instruction on the student’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Every culture on this planet has art forms.  Why is that? Neuroscientists continue to find clues as to how the mental and physical activities required for the arts are so fundamental to brain function...Certain brain areas respond only to music while others are devoted to initiating and coordinating movement from intense running to delicat sway of the arms.  Drama provokes specialized networks that focus on spoken language and stimulate emotions. Visual arts excite the internal visual processing system to recall reality or create fantasy with the same ease. 

This said it seems almost ludicrous that public education has virtually ignored the arts or at best retains some of them as “extra-curricular” activities or something some teachers use at their discretion within the classroom teaching environment.

An important thing to remember is a child’s brain develops until age 25 when the last but not least of the brain develops:  The frontal cortex--our reason, logic and rational command center. Until then, and especially in our teens, the amygdala is running the show.  Which explains why many teenagers are so emotional at times and why number 12, art summons emotional power, is crucial when thinking about brain development as it relates to curriculum.  

It has long been my opinion that emotional intelligence (EI) is as important, if not more so, than academic intelligence.  After all EI determines what types of relationships with those around us we’ll maintain: Healthy or not so. Sure high academic intelligence will get you into Harvard, but will it sustain you in life?  Probably not. At least not in a life worth living enhanced by great lasting relationships and, well, ART! Yes art enhances life, our relationships and our well-being because it evokes a healthy exploration of feelings, ideas and thoughts.  Art inspires discussions around questions like, “What do you think the artist was thinking about when she painted this scene?” Or “What do you think the artist was feeling when he wrote this overture?” Discussions around art, open up wonderful opportunities to engage children in relative meaningful learning around EI as they make connections between their own feelings and what the artist may have been feeling too, which leads us to number 2:  Art inspires contemplation.  

To become a strong critical thinker, time for contemplation is necessary.  The trick is finding an interesting subject to contemplate in the first place.  Otherwise, the task becomes rote and easily forgotten. Engagement is key. Art engages because it’s interesting.  There is always something within all the different forms of art that will pique a child’s interest. Once they’re there, then the task of contemplation is natural.  You won’t have to ask the child to go there. The child will contemplate the material on their own. All a teacher needs to do at this point is guide and open the child up to their own interpretations of the art or even let them experiment with the art form itself if possible.  Which brings us to number 6: Art reaches the unreachable. Because art is interesting it’s a fantastic vehicle in which to engage the unreachable child. As a result, art therapy is used to help children describe traumatic events. Perhaps a lot of the power in art to reach children is because it allows them to project their ideas, feelings and thoughts onto a medium that is not themselves.  Art is safe that way.

It has always baffled me that many, if not most, teachers when teaching literature or history or government or science or any subject for that matter don’t employ art!  How can this be? Art is natural curriculum material for all subjects taught. Art represents history (3), offers social commentary (4) and pushes boundaries (9) regarding philosophy, social conditions and political agendas; it’s a format of storytelling (7) and a type of communication (10) of thought, feelings, ideas and life.  Art is subjective and when used in the classroom it can be a powerful tool to personalize learning.  Art always has meaning for the recipient, even when the artist intended no such thing (8) and art enables logic (13) to free itself a little, to have fun, ask questions about logic itself and play with the other side of the brain relatively ignored in public schools--the artistic creative right side.  

As it happens, art is a powerful method of connecting (11) us to each other.  What teacher who truly wants to inspire students to learn thinks they can do this in a vacuum?  No, we cannot teach effectively without connecting to our students and art is an easy avenue to make relational connections not only to subject matter but to each other.  Art is proof of our own enduring human spirit and genius. All artistic endeavors by their very nature express human creative skill (1) and are the physical applications of human imagination (5) which engenders pertinent fertile ground for thinking, learning and applying what we learn in classrooms as well as in life.

Yes, “every culture on this planet has art forms” because art is an integral part of the human experience.  Are we teachers who simply teach to the test? Or are we guides leading our students to creativity, imagination and insight to unleash their grand potentials? We all know why the arts in education are needed.  We ought not turn a blind eye to the lack of the arts in education and ask ourselves: Why art in education? Then employ it in our lesson plans. To do otherwise would be to deny children the education they deserve and want.

Why Art in Education? Because, because, because! And that's how I see it sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. This is a recent article I wrote for Davis Publications School Arts Magazine.
